An slow solution is no solution

Having seen sluggish enterprise applications even from very large companies who could do better, we knew that we had to build something fast which would delight users. So, one of the pillars of our design is that the user should never be kept waiting for a response.

This inspired us to build a solution which is fast by default, even with extensive, complex security underpinning every action done by the end user.

Speed is Everything

Use Case Acceleration w/ Reactor
Simple Read 3,700x faster
Inner Join 1,342x faster
Left Join 196x faster

Acceleration when compared against raw SQL/ Entity Framework Core 8
Increasing test runs results in better overall performance indicating high scalability


We are a Research Company

Our mission is to advance data-driven Software Development by fundamentally reimagining it, leveraging decades of industry experience to transcend current limitations and challenges.

We will achieve this goal by offering reusable, industry-agnostic services and development tools designed with two key goals in mind: simplifying code and providing a robust foundation for all aspects of building data-driven applications. Our aim is to empower developers to focus on building the application rather than the infrastructure behind it.

Our Research focuses on continuous improvement in areas like Caching, Search, Data Access, Multi-threaded Programming, Programming Language Capabilities, Configuration Management, State Handling, and Logging.


Boston, Massachusetts