Chakra Prerequisites

To seamlessly integrate with Chakra, it is essential to follow these guidelines to ensure a well-designed synchronization scheme that can handle all scenarios.

  • Add a timestamp column to ALL synchronized database tables. This will enable discrimination between different versions of the same data record, regardless of location.

  • Use a GUID-based primary key to prevent primary key collisions between synchronized databases that are modified simultaneously.
    • This best practice is necessary for any system that duplicates data across systems and must keep them in sync.

  • Avoid bi-directional sync architectures unless you are prepared to intervene manually throughout the application's lifetime.

  • Enable Change Tracking on the database and allow at least five days of change retention. This feature will enable tracking of any changes made to the database, ensuring that data is synchronized correctly.
  • Enable Snapshot Isolation on the database to avoid locking issues during synchronization.
  • Enable Change Tracking on ALL synchronized database tables to track changes in all tables and ensure that data is synchronized across all systems correctly.

By following these minimum requirements, you can ensure seamless integration with Chakra and a well-designed synchronization scheme that handles all scenarios effectively.


We are a Research Company

Our mission is to advance data-driven Software Development by fundamentally reimagining it, leveraging decades of industry experience to transcend current limitations and challenges.

We will achieve this goal by offering reusable, industry-agnostic services and development tools designed with two key goals in mind: simplifying code and providing a robust foundation for all aspects of building data-driven applications. Our aim is to empower developers to focus on building the application rather than the infrastructure behind it.

Our Research focuses on continuous improvement in areas like Caching, Search, Data Access, Multi-threaded Programming, Programming Language Capabilities, Configuration Management, State Handling, and Logging.


Boston, Massachusetts